Past projects

Main past projects

Main closed projects carried out by the Research Unit

Ecological and socioeconomic impacts of climate-induced tree diebacks in highland forests
2016 - 2020

Climtree (Ecological and socioeconomic impacts of climate-induced tree diebacks in highland forests) is an international multidisciplinary research project addressing the effects of climate change-induced dieback of highland forest stands and species replacement strategies through forest management. Climtree addresses the effects of dieback on (i) taxonomic biodiversity (saproxylic fungi and beetles, aerial insects and soil Rotifers), notably measured by innovative molecular techniques (metabarcoding, eDNA), and (ii) on the perception of climate change by local populations and on socio-economic activities, by combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. The target declining species are the Pectin Fir in France (in the Sault Country and the Aure Valley), the Common Spruce in Germany, the Scots Pine in Italy and the Yunnan Pine in China.

Partners: INRAE - URZF, INRAE – EFNO, France ; Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chine ;  Institute of Ecosystem Study, Italie ; MNHN, France; INRAE- Dynafor, France ; CNPF-IDF, France ;  Bavarian Forest National Park, Allemagne ; INRAE Bordeaux, France ; University of Greifswald, Allemagne ; Kunming Institute of Botany, China ; Padova University, Italy ; Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Allemagne ; IRBI CNRS-University François Rabelais, Tours, France
Sponsored by: ANR, DNR-DTA, DFG, NSFC

Contribution of ungulates to ecosystem functioning and services at Chambord
2016 - 2018

Development and sustainability of the forestry and wood industry in the Centre region
2016 - 2020

Défiforbois is a finalized research project for and on the development and sustainability of the upstream sector of the forestry-wood industry in the Centre-Val de Loire region, co-financed by the region, INRA and Irstea as part of the regional variation of the national programme PSDR4.

Partners: INRAE UR EFNO (coordinator), ONF, FCBA, Fibois, CRPF Ile-de-France Centre-Val de Loire, cooperative Unisylva
Funding: INRAE via the national programme PSDR4 and the Centre-Val de Loire region

DIPLO 1 (2009-2011) and DIPLO 2 (2012-2014)
Plant dispersal by wild ungulates: a comparative approach to three vectors - deer, roe deer and wild boar

Spatial and temporal dynamics of fencing in Sologne and ecosystem services
2012 - 2015

EquiForCe 76
Analysis of the process of steering the forest-cervid balance in Seine-Maritime
2015 - 2016

Ancient Forests and Ripisylves of the Small Valleys of Puisaye
2017 – 2020

FRAPVAL is an applied research project that focuses on the riparian forests of the Ouanne and Loing valleys in the Yonne department to study their biodiversity and conservation status.
The project takes into account trees, vascular flora, aquatic macroinvertebrates and fish. It is carried out in three phases: mapping, field study and dissemination to managers. The field study compares old (over 170 years old) and recent woodland elements. The scientific aim is (1) to validate the concept of old-growth forest for flora in small valleys, (2) to study the relevance of the concept of old-growth riparian forest and (3) to try to apply it to aquatic fauna.

Partners: UR EFNO, INRAE Nogent-sur-Vernisson (coordinator: Richard Chevalier) ; UR HYCAR, INRAE Antony ; CNPF, CRPF Auxerre ; Inventaire Forestier, IGN Nogent-sur-Vernisson ; Régie Rivière, Fédération des eaux Puisaye-Forterre de Toucy.
Funding: FRAPVAL (2017-2020) is supported by the Conseil Départemental de l'Yonne as part of its policy to protect sensitive natural areas and the call for projects "Protection of water resources and wetlands in Yonne department".

Pollen Abeille
Impact of urbanisation on bees and the pollination service in the Centre-Val de Loire Region

By contributing to the pollination of a wide variety of plants, the 1000 or so species of wild bees in France are key insects in most natural and anthropised ecosystems. However, urban sprawl and the use of large quantities of phytosanitary products are major threats to bee communities. The objective of the POLLEN project, funded by the Centre-Val de Loire Region, is to determine how urbanisation affects the composition of bee communities and what the consequences are for the pollination service.
To do this, we used traditional methods (taxonomy) as well as innovative methods based on DNA barcode analysis. Insects were sampled at 29 sites located on the banks of the Loire, selected according to their degree of urbanisation in the surrounding landscape, and spread over 3 agglomerations (Tours, Blois, Orléans). The sampling carried out in 2017 and 2018 identified 156 different bee species and highlighted a negative effect of urbanisation on the specific richness of bees. While phylogenetic and functional diversity do not seem to be impacted by urbanisation, we find differences in bee community composition reflected in contrasting community functional indices between peri-urban and urban environments. Our study is the first major contribution to the provision of a DNA barcode reference library for French wild bees.
In parallel, using experimental phytometers (strawberry plants), we have shown an effect of the increasing urbanisation of the landscape on the ecosystem service of pollination produced by bees.

Partners: INRAE-URZF ; INRAE – EFNO ; Orléans University (LBLGC), Tours University (IRBI) ; CETU Inophyt
Fundings: Centre Val-deLoire Region

Modification date: 01 August 2023 | Publication date: 30 June 2021 | By: SL